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Travel Tips for Tall People

So you’ve come to the realisation that your job sucks, your social life is lamer than your 10 yr old sister’s and your best friend getting a new girlfriend means no more pizza and beer Friday Nights. Sick of the crap and with shiny new credit card in hand, it’s time to break out of this whirlpool of suck and see some of the world! Sparkling beaches, sexy accents and cheesy landmarks await. I am here to help you, the tall man, make sure this new adventure you are going to embark on is one that will not leave you compromised by your extra inches.

Tip 1. Consider your destination country.

In order to maximise your comfort in your surrounds, consider the average height of it’s population. According to ( the Netherlands the average male height is 5’11’3, whereas in Cambodia that is just 5’3’1. Any room you rent in Cambodia you can be sure as hell you are not fitting in that bed. Equally important can also be the fact that as a tall person travelling through parts of Asia you can often attract a lot of staring and some times giggling from the locals that are in awe of your height – if this is not for you then best keep to touristy areas where you will not be such a fish out of water.

Tip 2. Consider your flights.

Now not everyone can afford to fly first or business class to get that extra leg room, but when booking flights in coach or economy you can request an emergency or exit aisle to increase your extra leg room, this generally costs extra – however if you show up to the airport early enough generally on international flights the check-in staff are able to upgrade you free of charge if you’re nice enough to them and the flight is not full. If you want to go that one step further, you can compare airlines by seat pitch, that is, the minimum distance between your headrest and dude’s headrest in front of you. Sites like will let you do the comparisons. At present looks like United’s Boeing 757-200 is on top with a huge 37’ inches!

Tip 3. Consider your accommodation.

Are you travelling by yourself or with friends? Hostels or hotels? Whatever the situation may be it is always important to check out their bed size before you go. If it’s dorm-style it’s unlikely you’re going to have much choice in the matter but remember if there are bars at both ends of the bed you’re going to have to get in the foetal position for however many nights you’re there. The best option is always king size, but if you’re unsure what they have, or stuck for options – there is always alcohol to help you sleep easy!

A tall man: member of the Tall Person's Club

Tip 4. Consider your ground transportation.

At times on holidays we all like to save a dollar or two but there are times when we shouldn’t skimp on things. Let’s say you are offered three different types of transportation to get to a destination. Firstly, a rickshaw, a tiny 3 wheeler coming in at $, secondly, a minibus packed full of other tourists at $$, and thirdly a private car at $$$. If we’re going for maximum fun here I would steer you towards the rickshaw, but to get to your destination the speediest and in the most comfort, hands down you need that private car, it’ll be worth it. Often when travelling across land you can be jammed in a full minibus for full days a time. Do yourself a favour and make sure you pick the seat in the bus with the most leg room.

Tip 5. Consider your food choices.

Let’s be honest, as a tall guy, you need to eat a lot to fuel that tower frame right? Right. So when in a foreign country I’m not saying just to stick to eating what you normally do, but what I am saying is to not make silly food decisions. If the dude on the side of the road wants to fry you up some delicious chicken specialty of his but doesn’t seem to own a fridge? That’s a warning sign. If the hostel does free food except no one seems to be eating it? That’s a warning sign. Eat the potato chips back in your room instead.

Bonus tips for packing:

Don’t be tempted to pack light in the hope of purchasing new threads, especially when travelling through Asia. Tees and shoes, unless you get them custom made, are unlikely to fit.

Items for the plane may include; a neck cushion (as let’s face it your head is probably going to extend beyond the top of the headrest), socks (as the airline blanket probably wont reach your feet) and even this sneaky contraption if you’re feeling like a bit of a jerk

A hat, to protect your head a little for when you inevitably end up bumping into low doorways / ceiling fans / bumpy car trips.

extendable shower head

An extendable shower head may come in handy in a short shower – even if just to see the look of mystification on your travel partners face when you whip it out.

Well, that’s a wrap up of everything you need to know before you go, so get out there, stand tall, and get amongst it!

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